We are RALVT
The Lisbon and Tagus Valley Stranding Network (Rede de Arrojamentos de Lisboa e Vale Tejo – RALVT), started operating in 2021 and belongs to the National Stranding Network, acting in the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region, between Lourinhã and Setúbal. This network is the result of a collaboration between MARE-ISPA (Centro de Ciências do Mar e Ambiente – Instituto Superior de Psicologia Avançada), ICNF (Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e Florestas) and Fundo Ambiental (Ministério do Ambiente). Our main goal is to respond to alerts of marine mammals and sea turtles strandings (whether the animal is alive or not) that occur in our region.
Our mission
RALVT is composed by a multidisciplinary team of marine biologists and veterinary doctors. The collaboration between these areas of expertise allows us to have a better response to the strandings and have a broader knowledge of the species we work with. We are a group of people interested in the oceans and the biodiversity within them and with a collective goal for the conservation of these species and for passing on our knowledge and passion of marine life to the rest of the population.
- Necropsies.
- When the animals are stranded dead, it is important to attempt to determine the cause of death, with samples’ collection. The necropsies are also fundamental for studying and helping increase the knowledge about these species.
- Assistance to live strandings.
- We operate on a 24/7 schedule, which allows RALVT to respond to live strandings. In these cases, our number one priority is to stabilize the animal and make it as comfortable as possible.
- Monitoring.
- By regularly monitoring the beaches in our region, we can collect systematic information, allowing us to also detect some strandings before they are reported. Besides that, these reconnaissance missions allows us to map the beach morphology in order to plan the best routes, especially in areas of difficult access in order to have a faster response time.
- Environmental education.
- We want to promote ocean literacy with environmental education, science projects, training sessions and webminars with the general population and by collaborating with local organizations. Additionally, we have volunteer programs and curricular internships that allow us to work with students that are interested in exploring this subject.
- Since 2021
- +190 strandings
- Of garbage collected since 2021
- +574kg
- Held since 2021
- +18 events
Our team
RALVT is made up of a multifaceted team made up of marine biologists and veterinarians, allowing for a complementarity of areas of activity.
Miguel Grilo
Sofia Pardal
Marine biologist
Beatriz Costa
Marine biologist
Scientific department
João Molarinho
Teresa Vale
Carolina Sousa